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Biochemistry of Dreams
Dreams are an important aspect of Lucid Reality AND enter_universim, so it's essential that I dig a bit deeper in regards the mechanisms by which they work. While generating ideas, I found it particularly interesting to try and incorporate the actual chemicals and compounds involved in dreaming processes. Since body modification and powers are important to these two game ideas, understanding the biochemistry behind dreams could provide a very strong basis for creating believable technology within the respective game-universes that can facilitate powers and modification.
What chemicals are involved in dreams?

The basal forebrain produces most acetylcholine.
Acetylcholine is an 'ester (organic compound made by replacing the hydrogen of an acid with an alkyl or other organic group, Oxford Definitions) of acetic acid and choline'.
Acetylcholine has been repeatedly linked to learning and memory, and it is found in high levels during REM sleep. This shows that 'information is being actively processed and consolidated in this stage of sleep'. This observation indicates that 'dreams are not only occuring, but that acetylcholine is an active and important part of dreaming'.
Links between REM sleep and acetylcholine can be shown in individuals with 'extreme cognitive impairment'. Acetylcholine levels deplete when one experiences Alzheimer's. This is also compounded by a 'dramatic decrease in REM sleep, dreaming, as well as a loss of memory and information retention'.
Tests were conducted on animals in which a substance designed to behave like acetylcholine was injected 'into the nerve cells found in the area of the brain where REM sleep originates (the pons) '. It was found that REM sleep 'occurred within 3-30 minutes'. Similar experiments were carried out on rats specifically, with the injection being an acetylcholine blocker this time. Each rat 'experience a rapid decline in REM sleep' - showcasing how acetylcholine is important in REM sleep, and by extension, dreams.

The hypothalamus produces most oxytocin.
Oxytocin is a neurohormone commonly known as the 'love hormone', as it plays a major role in sex-related processes, such as arousal. The release of oxytocin coincides with increased feelings of 'trust, empathy and dependence'. It effectively dictates a lot of the emotions we feel in social situations, and assists in developing and maintaining social connections.
Oxytocin levels are 'linked with stages of light sleep' (stage II sleep), which are 'just as filled with social interactions as dreams from REM sleep'.
Research has demonstrated that 'sleep and dream recall varies significantly by social/relationship attachment orientation and status'. In fact, research shows that those with OCD (and other 'anxious' attachment styles) demonstrate higher levels of oxytocin, and can enter sleep 'faster, sleep longer, and recall more negative dreams and nightmares'.

The BLA, involved in the transition from NREM to
REM sleep.

The pineal gland produces melatonin.
Melatonin is commonly known as the main proponent behind causing sleep. It is secreted by the pineal gland to promote sleep, and plays a major role in synchronising the circadian rhythm.
Melatonin plays a role in regulating blood pressure, plays a role in 'seasonal reproduction, such as in spring fever', and regulates our day/night cycles of sleep and wakefulness.
Melatonin directly corresponds to our sight, with melatonin levels directly synchronising with light levels. If it is dark outside, the pineal gland with secrete more melatonin to trigger tiredness and bring about sleep. This is a major proponent behind seasonal conditions such as SAD (seasonal affective disorder).
Melatonin levels peak during the night (obviously), and are found to be 'particularly high during REM sleep'. In fact 'increased levels of melatonin can prolong the amount of REM dreaming you experience'. Because of prolonged periods of REM sleep, melatonin use can often be associated with more vivid dreams, increased dream retention, but is also associated with a higher frequency of nightmares, but there is 'no conclusive evidence as to how exactly your dreams are affected by taking melatonin supplements'.
Melatonin levels can also correspond to a variety of factors, such as stress, smoking, sleeping patterns etc.
Melatonin is often prescribed to people with sleeping disorders such as insomnia. Side effects of taking melatonin can include 'headaches, dizziness, nausea, drowsiness and, in rarer cases, temporary depression, anxiety, abdominal cramps, irritability, reduced alertness and low blood pressure'.

The VTA produces dopamine.
Dopamine is the neurotransmitter associated with the feeling of pleasure - it is released in the brain whenever we do something we enjoy, such as sex, eating food, or listening to music. It is an evolutionary development that 'rewards' us for doing things beneficial to us. Naturally, this can also be negative, as it is also the neurotransmitter most associated with addiction.
A 2016 study highlighted that 'different projections of VTA (ventral tegmental area, located in the brainstem) dopaminergic neurons differently modulate arousal', and that there is a 'fundamental role for VTA dopaminergic circuitry in the maintenance of the awake state and ethologically relevant sleep-related behaviours'. To simplify, the VTA and its dopaminergic circuitry play a role in our wakefulness, and sleep behaviours.
The previous study prompted new analysis into the topic, which found that 'a transient increase of dopamine in the basolateral amygdala (BLA) during NREM sleep terminates NREM sleep and initiates REM sleep'. Using optogenetics, the team were able to activate the cells in the BLA whilst the mice were in NREM sleep - this activation caused the mice to enter REM sleep after just a few minutes. This research has massive potential for those suffering with sleep-disorders, as existing drugs such as modafinil cannot alter REM sleep. Targeting the BLA specifically could pave the way for new, more effective drugs.
How do I utilise this?
Lucid Reality
It goes without saying that this research is incredibly important to Lucid Reality. I now know which areas of the brain are associated with specific hormones and neurotransmitters, and I know some of the functions they serve. If I contextualise this and apply it to the DreamAid concept specifically, it heavily informs the potential avenues I can go down when creating the medicine used in it. When creating concept art and written work regarding the DreamAid, I will consistently be looking back to this page to make sure that my decisions are informed appropriately. The research I did into dopamine has been extremely helpful, as it seems to play the biggest role in cultivating dream states compared to the other neurotransmitters and hormones. My research also revealed that advancements in optogenetics and research into the BLA and VTA areas of the brain have opened the door for more effective drugs when it comes to sleeping disorders, which slots PERFECTLY into the basis for Lucid Reality.
If I were to take Lucid Reality forward, I think the logical next step would be to look into the mechanisms of addiction properly. I know that dopamine and the reward system in the brain plays a role in addiction, but there are many factors that go into cultivating an addiction, such as social status, mental illness, personality traits etc that need to be researched in order to accurately depict an individual with an addiction.
This research also relates to the research I'm going to carry out into what dreams actually look like. Obviously this is a heavily subjective concept and everyone visualises thoughts and dreams differently, but it will be great to learn about the mechanisms by which individuals view their dreams and what said dreams may mean for the individual, since it will heavily inform the visuals for Lucid Reality.
Even though this research was aimed to help develop Lucid Reality specifically, it has ended up providing a strong basis to develop enter_universim as well. A thought that came to mind throughout this research was that these hormones/neurotransmitters could be used as a potential currency within enter_universim. I'm not entirely sure how this would work just yet, but even if the currency idea does not work, there is absolutely room to experiment with using these hormones/neurotransmitters in some capacity.
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