Phase Two
What is phase two about?

Visual Exploration
Visual Research
'Combining links'
What does the brief say?
The goal of phase two is to have one particular subject chosen from our initial four, where we then 'explode' said topic by deep diving as exhaustively as possible and to find as many new research avenues as we can. Since my chosen topic is simulation theory, I'll need to look into the topic and its respective branches as extensively as I can.
The best place for me to begin deeper research is to establish what I already know, and where I can go from there. I'll go over this in Simulation Theory II.
The brief suggests to use a variety of different methods to help conduct our research. I mentioned in my reflection for Phase 1 that I want to conduct a lot more visual research as this is what will inspire me most, and I think the best way to go about that is to collect a lot of pictures in regards to the things I'm researching and then put them into a variety of moodboards. I'll also create moodboards for anything I find inspiring throughout my day to day life.
Surveys are a really important aspect of research that I really want to look into. I have my own beliefs in regards to simulation, but I really want to know how other people view the topic, and how they might go about researching it themselves. This one also ties into discussion well, as I can easily ask people for their thoughts on my research and how they feel about the topic, so these two go hand in hand. In person discussions will be very helpful too, and putting work up on the walls in our studio should hopefully initiate some discussion with my peers and lecturers.
Users is an interesting thing to think about, as I don't really think there's a good age group to really aim for in regards to simulation theory, but I definitely know it is more of a 'mature' topic, not in the sense that it is explicit, but in the sense that I don't think people younger than 15 are going to be thinking too much about the concept and/or philosophy in general.
I'll be putting together a more in depth plan in regards to the brief in the Simulation Theory II page.