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For enter_universim, I had the idea to utilise different traits and predispositions within the gameplay somehow. I figured that, because dreams and nightmares are so unique to the individual, I would attempt to implement that subjectivity into gameplay in the form of these predispositions. I think this could provide a strong basis for game variety and bolster the player's arsenal when developing their offences and defences. I'm going to look for specific predispositions that are interesting to me, that inspire the most ideas in terms of game development. 

What is a 'predisposition' or 'trait'?

Predispositions and traits generally speaking are synonymous with the concept of instinct. When learning is taken out of the picture, every organism will act purely on instinct, since our genetics contain behaviours that we do not need to learn. For example, sea turtles will instinctively travel towards the ocean immediately after hatching. 

What sort of predispositions and traits are there?
  • Empathy is defined as the capacity one has to 'understand and share the feelings of another'.

  • Empathy is a trait I have personal experience with in terms of development. If I'm being honest, around the ages of 15-18, my humour and personality was quite 'edgy' and generally quite insensitive. I was the type of person who thought poking fun at others and trying to push people's buttons was funny. Of course, it can be fine to be a bit annoying within a friendship circle, but I'd act that way outside of my friendship groups. I think the main reason I don't act this way anymore is down to

    • A. the communities and people I am around. The gaming community (whilst there is a massive amount of toxicity unfortunately lingering) has become a safe-space for many marginalised people, all of whom find themselves the subject of a lot of dark and edgy humour. Exposure and interaction within this community has indirectly made me more sensitive and aware of the implications of that. ​

    • B. Relationships. I've had two relationships that have lasted over two years (I am currently in one) and, from my peers, I have received comments about how I have changed positively. I think some of my lack of empathy comes from my social anxiety and inexperience at actually interacting with people frequently, so engaging in a relationship has taught me things like compromise and how words can really deal damage. The most important thing however, is that I've become much more willing to admit to my mistakes - I used to be the type of person to place fault on another for getting offended over a comment, rather than realising that the comment is what caused the offense.

  • 23andMe conducted a study in which it was discovered that genetics do seem to play a role in influencing empathy, but are not as important as environmental factors. Women also have a higher level of empathy than men on average. 

Brief Interruption

Initially, I set out to look into specific attributes individuals may have that is inbuilt into ones genetics. However, the research I have carried out so far has made me realise that I should probably divert a bit to help open up my game further. I was fully aware of how significant our environments influence our personalities etc, but I think I overestimated how much our genetics play a role in this.

A better approach to this would be to identify general psychological and genetic traits that can be altered by environmental stimuli. I had a sudden realisation that looking specifically for these malleable traits plays much better into my game, as it allows for manipulation of the individual consciousness you play as. You can modify the attributes of said consciousness to 'buff' them throughout the game. This change in direction will help me identify a lot more traits I can use in my game, which I'm very happy to have realised. 

I'm going to be much more general in my research into traits now, and I'm going to look for traits that are generally malleable and interesting to me, without confining them to traits that are dictated by genetics alone.

I also discovered the term 'cognitive abilities', which I will look into too!

What sort of traits can we have?
  • Memory is the brain's capacity to process and store information. Information in the brain is stored as neurological pathways, and the recall of information is simply 'the reactivation of a specific group of neurons'. 

  • 'Synapse plasticity' is what allows the correct neuron groups to activate for recall of specific information. Synapse plasticity is effectively the strength of the connections (synapses) between neurons. Plasticity refers to how the connections can strengthen with repeated use, and how they weaken with infrequent use. 

  • The hippocampus and neocortex 'actually replays recent events' while we sleep which helps 'update the neocortex on what needs to be stored'.

  • Neurogenesis is the process in which new neurons are created, and research suggests that this process can occur during exercise - which increases 'the volume of the hippocampus'. 

Pattern Recognition
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