Phase Three
What is phase three about?
Combine Links/Common Themes
Present 3 Game Ideas
What does the brief say?

Phase 3 marks the beginning of the creation phase of the project - this is where our research begins to formulate the ideas and basis for our games. Prototyping and ideation is the primary focus of Phase 3, whereby we need to quickly generate game ideas and put them to the test via prototyping. This phase in particular is daunting to me, as I feel like the time period we have to put this all into practice is too short, and as a person I often find it difficult to operate under stress, so this phase is going to be just as much about generating and testing ideas as it is about managing my stress and ensuring I plan things out.
What do the headings mean?
1. Play
'Play' is something I think I'm going to take literally - to play is to literally play around and experiment with different ideas and research points. I think mostly this header tells me to keep an open mind, to keep playing and messing around with ideas until I get to a good place with it. As a person, I'm quite inclined to run away with an idea and tunnel-vision a bit, so it'll be good to refer back to these almost like a checklist to help keep me from doing that.
2. Prototype
Prototyping is a fairly self-explanatory heading - prototyping is essential to developing and expanding on any idea, so it's something I'm going to have to do a lot of.
I regretfully haven't been too great at prototyping ideas because of the aforementioned tunnel-visioning I can do, so I'm going to make it a priority that I look into how I can effectively prototype for different media while keeping the development sweift enough to keep me engaged.
3. Test
4. Create