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enter_universim is the working title I've given to the idea I chose out my own interests. The initial idea is as follows: 'A simulated dreamscape in which players must survive by employing dream characters and/or genetic/mental upgrades'. For each of my three ideas, I'll be running through what I believe to be the most developmental and essential headings of the project proposal at this stage.

I'll be approaching these in the future tense, as I won't have conducted all the research and prototyping yet, so this is more to outline what I 
will be doing as opposed to what I have already done - I'll then add to this as I progress.
 Initial Abstract

"500-1000 word synopsis to include description of the general project and reasons for choice.

  • Introduce it, describe it.

  • What is your research so far?

  • Provide key examples of visual research"

enter_universim is a four player free-for-all card game. The ‘Universim’ is a simulated reality in which artificial consciousnesses are continually created and destroyed to test their survival mechanisms, problem solving, and creative thinking. Each player assumes the role of an individual consciousness, and must use their imagination to conjure dream-like entities and develop their abilities as the game progresses.


Players may deploy a variety of characters with a wide range of abilities from offensive to defensive. They may also utilise ‘upgrade’ cards that will give specific buffs to the player using them to bolster their play. Each consciousness has its own HP value that may be attacked directly once their line of defences has been breached, with depleted HP serving as the lose condition.

For research, I want to delve into aesthetics specifically, as a strong aesthetic will help to build this up well. This will cover elements of graphic design, card design and typography.


For card designs, I want to discover the ins and outs of creating effective designs that convey necessary information properly, in a readable and understandable fashion. I am fully confident I can complete card-art, but I have never really tried to look deeper into how all the different card elements can fit together.


Typography fits into a similar vein as card design, it is an element of card design that I want to look into specifically as it is necessary to understand it in order to best convey information. I personally feel as though typography can often times make or break a piece of artwork in and of itself, so I will be approaching it from both a playability standpoint as well as an artistic standpoint; attempting to balance the two in the process. 

I want to look into common dreams/nightmares specifically to help guide character/world/object designs. Even though there is no physical limit to how abstract these objects can be, I definitely need to look into commonalities within dreams in order to provide a stronger foundation for my game. UPDATE: after attempting to look into common dreams and nightmares, I can say with near certainty that the subjectivity of dreams makes establishing commonalities extremely difficult, so I'm going to omit this. 

User Experience: Critical Analysis

"An indication of the critical and analytical framework and key research sources for the project include how your believe your project will be supported by these.

  • What are the topics you researching specifically that are not games related?

  • Key academic books/ journals/ articles"

As far as critical analysis goes, I think the aforementioned research into recurring dreams fits into here. Whilst it is there to help inform character designs mostly, it's important to stick to certain criteria that make my in-game universe more believable and justifiable. As much as I want to create a wild array of abstract characters, it's best to limit that a bit and introduce grounded characters for both variety and believability. 

If I have the time, I'd like to dive into psychology. More specifically, psychological predispositions. For example, some people are predisposed to have a stronger reaction to things that inspire fear, and will exhibit symptoms such as an increased heartrate, sweating and heavy breathing. On the contrary, some people may be able to cope with fear well, and limit their fear response. I don't think this is a priority as it stands, but if I can fit it in I think it could make a really strong basis for an upgrade/modification system that fits strongly in line with dreams due to their deep roots into psychology. 

Design Appendix: Concepts

"Concepts of preliminary designs for visual aspects of your project. Examples of screen layouts, characters, graphics, moodboard’s and colours etc in digital formats.

  • include tests and test reflection

    • iterations and feedback

    • models/ sprite sheets"

The concepts I'm going to come up with here will mostly be different card layouts and designs, as well as a potential playing surface to guide the game. 

Design Appendix: Prototypes

" Create and list self-contained functional components and early prototypes you expect to make should be listed and eventually linked here.

  • list out initial ideas

    • Paper prototypes ?

    • Simple mechanics concepts ?

    • Can you embed? "

Prototyping isn't something I'm particularly good at, since I like to focus purely on ideation and visuals. Of course, I can prototype visual elements, but I am not particularly good at developing mechanics, let alone balancing and developing them. I think I'll need to look for quite a few resources to help me prototype my ideas.

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