Playtest Reports
This page is dedicated to reporting on the different playtests I conduct for enter_universim. I aim to use this as a log for any issues, and to write about experimentation and chaneglogs.
Play Test v1.0
The first play test of the game is solely to lay out a foundation for the game - I have always found it hard to balance and create mechanics, so I am ditching the idea of having every aspect of the game figured out in favour of simply playing with what I have. The goal is that, with each play test, issues are discovered and dealt with before each new test.
I am also playtesting the simplest form of the game, two player 1v1, as opposed to the more complex three or four player free for all modes.
Version 1 Rules/Guide

Each player represented as a brain.
Each brain has 55HP, if brains HP = 0, player is eliminated.
If all of a player's active cards hit 0 HP, player is eliminated.
Brains have no possible actions.
Turn order determined by die roll, player with highest number goes first.
At the centre of the playing surface there is a pool of character cards and trait cards.
Each deck is to be shuffled at the beginning of each game.
Players pull 8 character cards each from the pool, and play 3 cards of their choice.
- There are 4 of each character in the pool.
Remaining 5 cards remain in the players 'hand' and can be swapped in and out with the 3 cards in play, carrying over damage/effects and ending your turn.
Players pull 2 trait cards and play them.
There are 4 of each trait card in the pool.
Players can put a card back into the pool and pull a new one out, this will end your turn.
Trait and character cards have their own unique abilities and attacks.
Using any single attack will end your turn.
Using any single ability will NOT end your turn.
Only one ability may be used per turn.
Characters can attack opposing brains directly or opposing characters at will.
When character HP = 0, they are to be placed back into the pool.
Player can no longer play a card into that space.
Playtest Notes
Brains were entirelly redundant - no damage dealt to either brain.
Character's offensive presence was too oppressive to even consider attacking opposing brains.
Bench was entirelly redundant.
Character's were too oppressive to consider losing a turn to swap to another character, trade was not worth it.
Lucidity's anihillation has too little drawback for it's damage output - becomes way too centralising.
Penumbra is too passive offensively.
Penumbra's and Amalgam's abilities (Blood Moon and Corruption Field) are too centrallising - it is not worth using other abilities if either are on the field.
Perseverance may be too strong.
7 turns is incredibly short.
Issues with ability and attack readability.
How do I fix these?
Removing the brain and bench features would remove redundant information and simplify the game.
Lucidity's Annihilation will be nerfed to have a higher drawback.
Penumbra's damage output will be increased and will have the proper additional effect.
Blood Moon and Corruption Field will (hopefully) be more balanced with HP increases.
HP will be increased across the board (and damage will be scaled) to increase longevity.
Perseverance will be kept the same for now.
Add text borders for increased readability.
The Hero:
HP increased from 30 -> 150.
Dream Blade damage increased to 25.
Additional damage increased to 15.
Apocalypse Alpha:
HP increase from 25 -> 100.
Brute Force damage increased to 50.
HP increased from 30 -> 150.
Total Eclipse damage increased to 20.
Additional effect changed: 'heal 10 damage from Penumbra'.
Blood Moon additional effect changed: 15 damage increase.
HP increased from 30 -> 125.
Annihilation damage increased to 50.
Additional effect recoil increased to 25.
HP increased from 30 -> 150.
Berserk Gene's damage increase to 25.
Additional damage increased to 10.
Additional effect changed: 10 extra damage if any ally has taken damage in last 3 actions.
All character abilities now have a three turn cooldown.
Resilience Trait now reduces incoming damage by 5.
Aggression Trait now increases outgoing damage by 20.
Incoming damage is still doubled.
Bench feature removed.
Brain feature removed, loss condition is now losing all three active cards.
Attack and ability text now has a black border for increased readability.

Play Test v2.0
Version 2 Rules/Guide

Each player represented as a brain.
Turn order determined by die roll, player with highest number goes first.
At the centre of the playing surface there is a pool of character cards and trait cards.
Each deck is to be shuffled at the beginning of each game.
Players pull 8 character cards each from the pool, and play 3 cards of their choice.
- There are 4 of each character in the pool.
Remaining 5 cards go back into the character pool.
Players pull 2 trait cards and play them.
There are 4 of each trait card in the pool.
Players can put a card back into the pool and pull a new one out, this will end your turn.
Trait and character cards have their own unique abilities and attacks.
Using any single attack will end your turn.
Using any single ability will NOT end your turn.
Only one ability may be used per turn.
Each character ability has a three turn cooldown.
Characters can attack opposing characters at will.
When character HP = 0, they are to be placed back into the pool.
Player can no longer play a card into that space.
Playtest Notes
Lucidity still too strong, needs further nerf.
Amalgam is slightly too strong, needs a slight nerf.
Spamming trait swaps isn't entirely competitive and doesn't make the game particularly enjoyable.
The game lasted much longer than playtest 1, which is good.
Unfortunately the game was over much earlier than turn 16, there needs to be some form of variability and additional layer to the game to reduce the certainty of winning.
There is not enough variability to make it difficult to make objectively correct plays - perhaps items or support cards could make this better.
Ability cooldown may be hard to track.
Perseverance may need a nerf due to potential game winning advantage based on luck alone.
Penumbra is still too passive.
Blood Moon seems to be well balanced, however.
The Hero is very hard to kill.
Character pool needs some more characters to flesh out interactions.
Apathy may be slightly too strong.
How do I fix these?
Increase the drawback to Lucidity's Annihilation, slightly reduce damage.
Decrease the base damage of Amalgam's Berserk Gene.
Increase the benefit of Penumbra's Total Eclipse.
Decrease The Hero's HP.
Add some test characters to experiment with different interactions.
Apathy will be kept the same, should be balanced out slightly with Lucidity being nerfed.
Add some additional layers of variability - e.g equipables or 'stadium' cards of some sort.
The Hero:
HP decreased from 150 -> 140.
Total Eclipse additional effect changed: 'heal 15 damage from any ally.'.
Annihilation damage decreased to 40.
Additional effect changed: 'this attack can't be used for 2 turns after use'.
HP decreased from 150 -> 135.
Berserk Gene base damage decreased to 20.
Additional damage increased to 15.
Perseverance now only revives characters back to half HP (rounded up to nearest unit if decimal).
Added four test cards.
Added Stimulant cards (stadium/field effect cards).
Added Protocol cards (held items)

Play Test v3.0
Version 3 Rules/Guide

Each player represented as a brain.
Turn order determined by die roll, player with highest number goes first.
At the centre of the playing surface there is a pool of character cards, trait cards, protocol cards, stimulant cards.
Each deck is to be shuffled at the beginning of each game.
Players pull 8 character cards each from the pool, and play 3 cards of their choice.
- There are 4 of each character in the pool.
Remaining 5 cards go back into the character pool.
Players pull 2 trait cards and play them.
There are 4 of each trait card in the pool.
Players can put a card back into the pool and pull a new one out, this will end your turn.
Trait and character cards have their own unique abilities and attacks.
Using any single attack will end your turn.
Using any single ability will NOT end your turn.
Only one ability may be used per turn.
Each character ability has a three turn cooldown.
One stimulant card is to be drawn at the beginning of the game.
Every stimulant card has a three turn cooldown, and a new one must be drawn once the active one expires.
Three protocol cards are to be drawn per player.
Players must assign each protocol card to a character.
Characters can only have one protocol card at any given time.
One a protocol card (if applicable) has expired or been consumed, it is unusable and cannot be redrawn.
Characters can attack opposing characters at will.
When character HP = 0, they are to be placed back into the pool.
Player can no longer play a card into that space.
Playtest Notes
Healing isn't quite accessible enough.
Apocalypse: Alpha either needs to have ability changed to an attack as it explicitly deals damage, or needs to have new ability.
There are synergy issues - not enough characters work well enough together.
Apathy is too strong.
Stimulants seemed to be successful in varying gameplay, but did not vary quite enough.
Lucidity could do with a bit less bulk.
Protocols for the most part were useless - could do with more immediate effects.
How do I fix these?
Adding more cards, this will come with time.
Focus on adding unique supportive characters.
Modify Apathy to have limitations.
Leave Stimulants as they are for now - more playtesting required.
Look into ways to make Protocols more effective as a means of varying gameplay.
HP decreased -> 110
Apathy Trait:
Now only prevents additional damage from being dealt.
More cards will come soon.